凡人 发表于 2023-6-26 10:43:04








Snowden is an absolute hero.


Many will say that Edward Snowden is a traitor and that his leaks endanger our national security.He violated his oath to the government to protect classified information, and he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. They will say that our elected leaders should be making national security decisions, not a 29-year-old acting on his own authority.

许多人会说,爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)是叛徒,他的泄密危及了我们的国家安全。他违反了向政府许下的保护机密信息的誓言,他应该受到法律最大限度的惩罚。他们会说,我们选出的领导人有权力做出事关国家安全的决定,而不是任凭一个29岁的人凭自己的权力行事。

The truth is that Edward Snowden's leaks have made our country safer. Our leaders were elected on a promise of transparency, and they swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. The shame lies only with our elected representatives, not with the individuals who stand up to fulfill the oaths and promises they have broken.

事实是,爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的泄密让我们的国家变得更加安全。我们的领导人是在承诺透明度的基础上当选的,他们宣誓要维护宪法。这种耻辱只存在于我们选举的代表身上,而不存在于那些站出来履行他们所违背的誓言和承诺的个人身上。

Edward Snowden, at great risk to his personal safety, revealed that our government is secretly spying on all of its own citizens. He gave us a chance to debate the issue openly. He realized that it was absolutely amazing how easily the program could be abused. The government has the right to track the details of every citizen's private emails, letters, and phone calls.Now, as a nation, we can finally ask ourselves:

爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)他冒着极大的人身安全风险,揭露了我们的政府正在秘密监视所有自己的公民。他给了我们一个公开辩论这个问题的机会。他认识到,这个项目被滥用的容易程度绝对令人吃惊。政府有权追踪每个公民的私人电子邮件、信件和电话的细节。现在,作为一个国家,我们终于可以问自己:

• Are we willing to hand over this incredible power to the government?


• If a self-interested leader comes to power, will Prism lay the groundwork for abuse of power and totalitarianism?


The elected representatives who lie to us and promise transparency are the same leaders who are calling for this young man to be put behind bars. They are cornered and must defend this shortsighted and despicable project and denounce his exposure. Don't fall for it. Edward Snowden is a hero.



It depends on who you ask.


• The U.S. government won't hesitate to tell you he's a criminal. Government officials believe that their private information was leaked by Snowden, whom they consider a traitor who betrayed his country. In this case, they see him as the villain, and it's easy to see why. He broke the laws of the United States, plain and simple, and they believe that the United States government is built and operated on a perfectly legal basis. They spy not only on the American public but also on the public of a number of other countries without breaking any strict laws.


By spying on the public, they protect the United States from possible attacks, and Snowden comes along and betrays their trust, revealing information that for some reason should be kept secret. When everyone knows the government is spying, people find ways to avoid it, as Snowden did. This will make it more difficult to manage security in the United States. If the people revolt and abolish the system, the US will become a sitting target.


• The public will call him a hero, one of the few who stood up to the US government and exposed its unethical surveillance methods. They see him as a hero for one simple reason. He informed the public that the U.S. government was spying on them without their permission. They broke their vows of privacy and threatened employees not to whistleblower, but Snowden risked everything to make the information public and to make the public really think about whether they wanted to be watched all the time.


The public finally has a say in their privacy. Not to mention Snowden has exposed how easily the system can spin out of control under a selfish leader. The democratic United States could turn into an autocracy, where the public unwittingly gives the U.S. government enormous power and a good orator with bad intentions can have an impact. The public voice would no longer matter, and that would be completely contrary to the values on which America was founded.


• Others don't see him that way either. He broke official laws and engaged in espionage, but he also took information to an unsuspecting public despite intense government harassment. They saw him as a halfway point between hero and villain - a vigilante. Sure, it's good that he's putting information out there, but he's also putting the U.S. government in crisis and making them vulnerable to attack. He reminded the public that the government is spying on them, but they are doing so for good reason to prevent future disasters. He told everyone that the government had broken its oath, but their actions were still perfectly legal, while Snowden's actions were espionage, perhaps with good reason, but espionage nonetheless.


Is Edward Snowden a hero or a villain? It depends on who you ask.


Edward Snowden is a true hero. Sadly, those who reveal the truth have to hide to protect themselves.


Edward Snowden is a whistleblower, a former US intelligence agent who leaked thousands of classified government documents to journalists in a Hong Kong hotel room in June 2013.

爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)是告密者,他是一名前美国情报员,于2013年6月在香港一家酒店的房间里向记者泄露了数千份政府机密文件。

What if I told you that everything on your phone, every person on your contact list, every text you write, every email you send, every place you go, basically everything about your private life is recorded and stored in a database somewhere? What if I told you that someone could turn on your phone's camera or microphone at any time to spy on you? You're not gonna like it, are you? Your life is just metadata for others to study.


This is exactly what the US National Security Agency (NSA) has done with their mass surveillance of all US citizens, as well as the people of other countries, and Snowden is responsible for bringing this to public attention. They're probably watching me write this answer.


Since Snowden is currently in exile and unable to move freely, he gave a TED talk via a telepresence robot.Someone asked: In the past few months, people have called you a lot of nicknames. You've been called a traitor, a snitch, a hero. What word would you use to describe yourself?


Snowden replied: "Everyone involved in this debate is struggling with me and my personality and how to describe me. It's not a question we should dwell on. It doesn't matter who I am. If I'm the worst person in the world, you can hate me and move on. What really matters here are the questions. What kind of government do we want, what kind of Internet do we want, the relationship between people and society. If I had to describe myself, I wouldn't use words like "hero," I wouldn't use "patriot," I wouldn't use "traitor." I would say I am an American, a citizen like anyone else.


To me, everything this guy has done proves that he is a true hero. He will do more good than harm to the American people. However, there are many who say, "If you have nothing to hide, why fear others knowing?" I would say to them, "If you let spies watch you, they can decide whether you are right or wrong, and they can bring you to trial at any time."


I suggest you watch the movie Snowden first and then the Oscar-winning documentary Citizen Four, which will definitely give you the chills.


Here are the scope and details of Snowden's disclosures:


• First and foremost, a secret court order in the United States allows the National Security Agency to go through Americans' phone records!


Verizon has been providing the NSA with the phone records of almost all its customers, and not just Verizon, but almost every other phone company in the United States has also aided the NSA in this case. (Verizon is the largest provider of cable and voice communications in the United States.)


• The existence of Prism was a second bombshell for the NSA (US National Security Agency). There are reports that the Prism program allows the NSA direct access to the servers of US tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple.


Prism is not as evil as most Americans initially thought. In fact, the NSA does not have direct access to servers, but can request user data from these companies.


Prism prompted tech companies to first deny knowledge of it and then push for the right to be more transparent about government data requests. The companies eventually won the battle to some extent, prompting the government to ease some restrictions and allow for greater transparency.


• Snowden revealed that the NSA spent most of its surveillance time hacking into the backends of Google and Facebook, but forgot to examine these vulnerable threats to people and society, leaving the NSA with nothing!

• 斯诺登透露,美国国家安全局的大部分监控时间都花在了入侵谷歌和Facebook的后端,但却忘记了检查这些对人类和社会的脆弱威胁,这让美国国家安全局一无所获!

• Snowden also revealed his close alliance with GCHQ and the NSA. The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the British intelligence agency, is said to be eavesdropping on fiber-optic cables around the world in order to intercept data being transmitted over the global Internet. GCHQ works closely with the National Security Agency to share data and intelligence under a program code-named Tempora.


Tempora is one of the key (NSA+GCHQ) programs that allows spy agencies to collect vast amounts of data, but for some reason it is sometimes overlooked. Within months of the Tempora Revelations, it emerged that a number of companies were working with GCHQ on the Tempora programme: Verizon Commercial, BT, Vodafone Cable, Global Cross, Level 3, Viatel and Interoute - all thanks to Snowden.

Tempora是关键(NSA+GCHQ)项目之一,允许间谍机构收集大量数据,但出于某种原因,它有时被忽视。在“Tempora”事件曝光几个月后,又有消息称,有许多公司与GCHQ在“Tempora”项目中合作:威瑞森商业、英国电信、沃达丰有线、环球电讯、Level 3、Viatel和Interoute——所有这些都要感谢斯诺登。

• Another shocking fact is that the NSA even spies on (and perhaps is spying on) the government work of most countries and most world leaders. According to a German journalist who claims to have learned from secret documents in Snowden's possession, the NSA is spying on at least 122 world leaders. These include the German chancellor, the president of Brazil, the president of Mexico, the French foreign Ministry, and all G8 and G20 leaders.


• Snowden highlighted a key tool used by the NSA - XKeyscore - which tracks anything users around the world do on the Internet.


In a leaked document, the NSA described it as the "most extensive system" that can be searched across the entire Internet.


• Because the NSA kept a close eye on every suspicious archive, Snowden influenced how everyone could prevent their communications from being collected in bulk, including full disk encryption and even TOR.


• Mr. Snowden exposed the top echelons of the campaign. Snowden alleges that two officials compromised his security more than others: Michael Hayden and Keith Alexander. General Keith Alexander was director of the National Security Agency and Michael Hayden was his predecessor.

•斯诺登揭露了这项活动的高层。斯诺登声称,有两名官员比其他人更严重地损害了自己的安全:迈克尔·海登(Michael Hayden)和基思·亚历山大(Keith Alexander)。基思·亚历山大将军曾担任美国国家安全局局长,迈克尔·海登是他的前任。

Snowden claims that these people somehow changed the NSA's mission and ultimately weakened the security of the entire telecommunications system.


"By undermining cybersecurity, the NSA puts American business, privacy, and even security interests at risk because our nation relies so heavily on cyber technology." And that's a problem because the United States has more to lose than anybody else."


• Snowden also stressed that the tech industry is too casual about security. Yahoo, for example, unknowingly exposed more than 100,000 user accounts every day because it did not use SSL encryption.


However, despite the outrage among tech giants, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo rushed to encrypt all their communications after Snowden revealed the documentary news.


So far, however, the U.S. government does not know exactly how many documents Snowden took and how many were provided to journalists.


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查看完整版本: 美国网友:斯诺登到底是美国的英雄还是叛徒?